Memorable moments at Hooke Park / Dorset, UK (2013) / Photo ©AA


Sooseok L. Kim

Sooseok L. Kim, the principal architect, pursues empirical architecture that implements the form and meaning contained in space based on data and systems. He aims for Adaptive Architecture, an active architectural methodology that overcomes the physical limitations of space and guarantees a healthy living environment through the optimal combination of form and function. It aims to regenerate fragmented daily life through refined spatialization of intangible elements such as light, shade, sound, and fluids that affect spatial psychology. He graduated with honors from the Department of Architecture at Sungkyunkwan University as a scholarship and distinction student and also entered and graduated as a scholarship student from the SED (Sustainable Environmental Design) at AA School in the UK. He completed diverse projects such as Al Balad St., Mall of Arabia St., and Jeddah Metro Prototype with Hyder at Foster + Partners (UK). He was in charge of designing the innovative Tension Roof System for Tottenham Hotspur New Stadium with Buro Happold at Populous (UK). As a project designer(EU Blue Card), he completed several projects including Südliche Üeberseequartier Hafencity, Metro Innovation Lab at HPP Architekten (Germany).

건축가 김수석은 공간에 담긴 조형과 의미를 데이터와 시스템에 기반하여 구현하는 실증적인 건축을 추구한다. 형상과 기능의 최적화된 조합을 통해 공간이 지닌 물리적 한계를 극복하고 건강한 정주환경을 보장하는 능동적인 건축방법론인 Adaptive Architecture(환경적응건축)을 지향한다. 이는 공간심리에 영향을 미치는 빛, 음영, 소리, 유체 등 무형요소의 정제된 공간화를 통해 파편화된 일상을 재생하는데 목적이 있다. 성균관대학교 건축과를 장학생으로 최우수 졸업했으며, 영국 AA School의 SED (Sustainable Environmental Design)를 장학생으로 졸업했다. Foster + Partners (UK)에서 Hyder와 함께 Al Balad St., Mall of Arabia St., Jeddah Metro Prototype 등 다양한 프로젝트를 완수했다. Populous (UK)에서 Buro Happold와 함께 Tottenham Hotspur New Stadium의 혁신적인 Tension Roof System 설계를 책임졌다. 이후 HPP Architekten (Germany)에서 Project Digner (EU Blue Card)로 Südliche Üeberseequartier Hafencity, Metro Innovation Lab 등 다수의 프로젝트를 완수했다.


Certificates / Titles

RIBA ARB P-II / Royal Institute of British Architects P-II
BDA NRW / Association of German Architects
KIRA KARB / Korea Institute of Registered Architects
IFEZ Deliberation Committee / a Member of the Committee
Korea University / former. Adjunct Professor
Sungkyunkwan University / former. Adjunct Professor

Degrees / Completion

Architectural Association School of Architecture (UK)
Sustainable Environmental Design (SED) / MArch / Scholarship
Architectural Association School of Architecture (UK)
Design and Make (DM)
Sungkyunkwan University (Korea)
BScArch / Scholarship and Distinction


Foster + Partners (UK)
RIBA ARB P-II (Permanent Contract)
Populous (UK)
RIBA ARB P-II (Permanent Contract)
HPP Architekten (Germany)
BDA NRW / EU Blue Card (Permanent Contract)

Research / Dissertation

Creaion of a K-culture Cluster in the Metropolitan Area based on Private Capital
민간자본을 활용한 수도권 K-컬쳐 집적단지 조성
Seoul, Korea (2024) / Korea Culture & Tourism Institute 한국문화관광연구원
Creating of a Webtoon IP Cutting-edge Cluster
웹툰 IP 첨단클러스터 조성
Seoul, Korea (2024) / Korea Culture & Tourism Institute 한국문화관광연구원
Module-based Apartment Advanced Design Research
모듈러 기반 공동주택 디자인 고급화 시뮬레이션 연구
Seoul, Korea (2022) / SH 서울주택도시공사
Beam-Column PC Structure Demonstration Complex Research (Guro-gu)
보-기둥식 PC구조 실증단지 (구로구 항동)
Seoul, Korea (2021) / SH 서울주택도시공사
Beam-Column PC Structure Demonstration Complex Research (Yeongdeungpo-gu)
보-기둥식 PC구조 실증단지 (영등포구 신길동)
Seoul, Korea (2021) / SH 서울주택도시공사
Sewoon District 4 Clock Theme Specialized Street
세운4구역 내 시계테마 특화거리 공간계획
Seoul, Korea (2020) / SH 서울주택도시공사
Sustainable Built Forms in High-density Urban Areas
고밀도 도심지에서 지속가능한 건축 형태 연구
London, UK (2014) / Architectural Association
Impact of Building Form on Urban Microclimate
건축형태의 도심지 미시기후에 대한 영향 연구
London, UK (2014) / Architectural Association
Regeneration of Heygate Estate
Heygate Estate 재건 연구
London, UK (2013) / Architectural Association
Environmental Case Study_ DogKennel Hill Estate
환경영향 사례연구_ DogKennel Hill Estate
London, UK (2013) / Architectural Association
Adaptive Behaviour according to Psychological and Physiological Status
정신적, 생리적 상태에 따른 공간 적응 행동 분석 연구
London, UK (2013) / Architectural Association