SSK pursues empirical architecture that implements the form and meaning contained in space based on data and systems. He aims for Adaptive Architecture, an active architectural methodology that overcomes the physical limitations of space and guarantees a healthy living environment through the optimal combination of form and function. It aims to regenerate fragmented daily life through refined spatialization of intangible elements such as light, shade, sound, and fluids that affect spatial psychology. As a high-end studio that performs total design from furniture and lighting, which are the basic units of architecture, to detailed design and construction supervision, we do not accept low-cost orders and meaningless prolific works. As a design-oriented studio that pursues the pinnacle of architectural detail through dense study, we are continuing innovative spatial work in Seoul after passing through London in the UK and Düsseldorf in Germany.

SSK는 공간에 담긴 조형과 의미를 데이터와 시스템에 기반하여 구현하는 실증적인 건축을 추구한다. 형상과 기능의 최적화된 조합을 통해 공간이 지닌 물리적 한계를 극복하고 건강한 정주환경을 보장하는 능동적인 건축방법론인 Adaptive Architecture(환경적응건축)을 지향한다. 이는 공간심리에 영향을 미치는 빛, 음영, 소리, 유체 등 무형요소의 정제된 공간화를 통해 파편화된 일상을 재생하는데 목적이 있다. 또한 건축의 기본단위인 가구와 라이팅부터 실시설계 및 공사감리까지 토탈디자인을 수행하는 High-end Studio로 저가수주 및 무의미한 다작은 하지 않는다. 밀도있는 스터디를 통해 건축 디테일의 정점을 추구하는 Design-oriented Studio로 런던과 뒤셀도르프를 거쳐 서울에서 혁신적인 공간작업을 이어가고 있다.

Ewha Womans Univ. Helen Hall Reconstruction / WINNER
Seoul, Korea (2023)

Shinan Public Library / 4th PRIZE
Shinan-gun, Korea (2023)

Chonnam Girls' High School Green Smart School / 2nd PRIZE
Gwangju, Korea (2022)

Public Dementia Care Facility / 2nd PRIZE
Incheon, Korea (2022)

Seoul Children's Grand Park Animal Theater Remodeling / 4th PRIZE
Seoul, Korea (2022)

Hana Financial Group Goesan Public Kindergarten / 2nd PRIZE
Seoul, Korea (2022)

Wondang Gateball Stadium / WINNER
Incheon, Korea (2022)

National Jeongdong Theater / 2nd PRIZE
Seoul, Korea (2021)

SEOULTECH Library and Students Hall / 2nd PRIZE
Seoul, Korea (2021)

Hana Financial Group Eunpyeong-gu Public Kindergarten / WINNER
Seoul, Korea (2021)

Chungju Art Centre / 2nd PRIZE
Chungju, Korea (2021)

Yanggu Station / SHORTLIST
Yanggu, Korea (2020)

Guro Station / 2nd PRIZE
Seoul, Korea (2020)

Gaheung Parking Tower / SHORTLIST
Yeongju, Korea (2020)

Daenbang-dong Bunker / 2nd PRIZE
Seoul, Korea (2019)

Canada Toronto Winterstation / HONOURABLE MENTION
Toronto, Canada (2017)

Venice Biennale Pavilion / WINNER
Venice, Italy (2013)

Buenos Aires Bus Shelter / 3rd PRIZE
Buenos Aires, Argentina (2013)

Seoul International Design Olympiad / HONOURABLE MENTION
Seoul, South Korea (2009)



2024 08

Hana Financial Group Eunpyeong-gu Public Kindergarten / WINNER
Seoul, Korea (2021)


2023 05

Ewha Womans Univ. Helen Hall Reconstruction / WINNER
Seoul, Korea (2023)


2023 03

Shinan Public Library Design / SHORTLIST
Shinan-gun, Korea (2023)

2023 02

Gwangju Dong-gu Printing Street Urban Regeneration / SHORTLIST
Gwangju, Korea (2023)

2022 07

Public Dementia Care Facility / 2nd PRIZE
Incheon, Korea (2022)

2022 11

Modular based Advanced Residence Design / COMPLETED
Seoul. Korea (2022)

2022 05

Wondang Gateball Stadium / WINNER
Incheon, Korea (2022)


2022 04

Buyeo Gilt-bronze Incense Burner of Baekje Landmark
Buyeo, Korea (2022)

2022 03

Hana Financial Group Goesan Public Kindergarten / 2nd PRIZE
Seoul, Korea (2022)

2021 12

SH OSC based Residence / COMPLETED
Seoul. Korea (2021)

2021 12

Stream Renaissance / COMPLETED
Seoul, Korea (2021)

2021 11

National Jeongdong Theater / 2nd PRIZE
Seoul, Korea (2021)

2021 08

SEOULTECH Library and Students Hall / 2nd PRIZE
Seoul, Korea (2021)

2021 04

Daejeon, Korea (2021)

2021 02


Songpa Bangi Startup Support Housing / Advisory Committee
Seoul. Korea (2021)

2021 01

Chungju Art Centre / 2nd PRIZE
Chungju, Korea (2021)

2020 12

Yanggu Station / SHORTLIST
Yanggu, Korea (2020)

2020 12

SH OSC based Residence / COMPLETED
Seoul. Korea (2020)

2020 11


Public Architect of Seo-gu, Incheon / Appointment

2020 09


Public Architect of Yeongchen / Appointment

2020 09


Seokchon Lake Art Gallery Construction / Advisory Committee
Seoul. Korea (2020)

2020 08

Sewoon District 4 Watch Street / COMPLETED
Seoul. Korea (2020)

2020 08

Guro Station / 2nd PRIZE
Seoul, Korea (2020)

2020 07


Gupo Station Construction / Judges Committee
Seoul. Korea (2020)

2020 06

Gaheung Parking Tower / SHORTLIST
Yeongju, Korea (2020)

2020 06


Standard Model for Seoul’s Future Urban Railway Station / Advisory Committee
Seoul. Korea (2020)

2020 05


Jeongdongjin Station Construction / Advisory Committee
Seoul. Korea (2020)

2020 05

Gwangtan Library
Seoul. Korea (2020)

2020 03


Urban Regeneration in Southwestern Seoul / Judges Committee
Seoul. Korea (2020)

2020 02


Public Architect of Korea Railroad Corporation / Appointment

2020 02


Public Architect of Daejeon / Appointment

2020 02

Jongno-gu KiUM Centre / COMPLETED
Seoul. Korea (2020)

2019 12

Daenbang-dong Bunker / 2nd PRIZE
Seoul, Korea (2019)

2019 10

Suseo-dong Community Centre Remodeling / COMPLETED
Seoul, Korea (2019)

2019 07


Changsin-dong Youth Housing
Seoul. Korea (2019)

2019 04

Tottenham Hotspur New Stadium / COMPLETED
London. UK (2019)

Copyright Holder: POPULOUS

2019 03

Gaebong-dong Community Center
Seoul. Korea (2019)

2019 01

Robot Museum
Seoul. Korea (2019)

2018 11

Seodaemun Veterans Hall / SHORTLIST
Seoul. Korea (2018)

2018 12

Dr. Jart PU Store / COMPLETED
Shanghai. China (2018)

2018 02

Dongbuk Education Gym Centre
Seoul. Korea (2018)

2018 01

Jochiwon Water Plant Cultural Complex
Jochiwon. Korea (2018)

2017 11

Creative Theater Support Facility
Seoul. Korea (2017)

2024 12

Hafencity, Southern Überseequartier / UNDER CONSTRUCTION
Hamburg, Germany (2024)
Copyright Holder: HPP Architekten

2017 08

Seoul National Univ. Training Institute
Siheung. Korea (2017)

2017 05

Yeouinaru Ferry Terminal
Seoul. Korea (2017)

2017 03

Reichstag Visitors Center
Tiergarten, Berlin, Germany (2017)

2017 02

Pyeongchang-dong Art Complex
Seoul. Korea (2017)

2016 11

Toronto. Canada (2016)

2016 11

Rectory Lane Cemetery / SHORTLIST
Rectory Lane. UK (2016)

2014 03

Sustainable Built Forms in High-density Urban Areas / DISSERTATION
Seoul. Korea (2014)

2013 11

Dream Pavilion
London. UK (2013)

2013 10

Light Cave
Spatial Experiment (2013)

2013 08

Timber Seasoning Shelter / COMPLETED
Bridport, UK (2013)

2013 07

Venice Biennale Pavilion / WINNER
Venice. Italy (2013)

2013 06

Heygate Estate Regeneration / DISSERTATION
London. UK (2013)

2013 03

Peace Pavilion
London. UK (2013)

2010 05

Gwangju Metropolitan Corporation HQ / COMPLETED
Gwangju, Korea (2010)

2009 09

Pavilion of Luminis / HONORABLE MENTION